Bespoke Commercial Window Blinds for a Modern Residential or Office Building
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Bespoke Commercial Window Blinds for a Modern Residential or Office Building

It is easy to overlook the huge impact that blinds have when designing an office or residential building. In such a large project, shading can seem a comparatively small consideration, but modern buildings are subject to high quality standards to provide a healthy and safe environment for the occupants. For architects, interior designers, contractors and...
Concealed Blinds for Windows, Skylights and Doors

Concealed Blinds for Windows, Skylights and Doors

A modern feature which is gaining popularity and increasing in demand is the ability to conceal blinds when they are retracted, giving a minimalist, contemporary and clean look to windows, doors and skylights. Architects and interior designers are offering this option to blend in with building designs and enhance a luxurious finish. The motorised blinds...